I figured out why Dirk, although he's a Prince of Heart, doesn't seem very destructive to me. I mean, he created another version of himself. That's the opposite of destruction. He's also not the kind of person who would tear souls out of people's bodies like Jake's brain ghost. Plus, lots of other classes end up wreaking havoc and destruction, so as a descriptor, "one who destroys" is vague, and "one who allows destruction" is complete nonsense. I think the verb is wrong.
This misunderstanding stems from the things Gamzee omitted from the Rose Lalonde's accounting of events. She had incomplete information and from there she came to the wrong conclusion.
UU: i have read mUch aboUt yoUr story in texts and have pieced together the overarching, exceedingly complicated saga as best as i coUld. i have as mUch aUthority over these events as a historian, and am at the mercy of my soUrces.
Most of the other blot-outs seem to target one member of the post-scratch troll group. Some guy who drinks a lot of soda? These omissions strike you as much less consequential.
Bro is associated with hidden cameras. All around his penthouse apartment, keeping a watchful eye. Seers see things, right? Yeah, but he's not a seer. Obviously. Seers watch to learn. Mages listen to others (Meulin's ironic deafness, Sollux hearing the voices of those about to die) to learn. Princes? Princes are seeing, but they are not watching because of curiosity. They are paranoid and are hyperaware of their aspect and how it can be dangerous. He passed on the boon of paranoia to Dave, and that expresses itself whenever Dave is confronted by the deaths of his alt-timeline selves. Death is the domain of time.
Since Dirk is a Prince of Heart, one who is afraid of self, he's actually
more careful about his aspect than usual, because he's afraid of what he's capable of. He's afraid of himself.
Bards are scared too. Gamzee is a Bard of Rage. Before, I thought rage was about being scary, because people are scary when they're mad, and also because he mentions being scared a whole lot. But Rage has been confirmed out-of-universe to have to do with disbelief, like the suspension of disbelief, or a lack of faith. So you could say that a Bard of Rage is "one who is afraid of losing faith." That aptly sums up his character development.
But what's more important to me than getting the particular verb right is we no longer have to pair destruction with healing and can try other options. "To deny," "to be ignorant of," and "to pretend/be pretentious" also work well. But I feel as if, whatever, it is, it's the opposite of understanding, but not the opposite of knowing. At times they may express that they
wish they didn't know.
It is captchalogued through your MIRACLE MODUS. You have absolutely no idea how this thing works. And you don't want to know.
There are Princes who believe they know shit and try to teach their bullshit.
Doc Scratch is composed of Equius Zahhak and the Auto-Responder. Doc Scratch is themed around Void.
That's true. But the gaps in my knowledge exist by design. They are the pillars of shadow on which my comprehensive vision is built. Necessary pockets of void meant to effectuate outcomes I've foreseen and which will require my influence. Each dark pocket, in time, will be filled.
This is pretty clear. That leaves the other half of his title to be Prince.
What is Doc Scratch's relationship to Void? To ambiguity, randomness, and the unknown? He reassures himself that he knows the stuff that matters, and that the stuff he doesn't know is important for him to not know. He reacts violently when he learns that Vriska has his cueball, making it blow up in her face. I guess he figures that, even if he
hadn't meant to do that, he
was meant to do that.
He also plays a
question game with Rose, where he asks Rose questions to lead her to act against her best interests. This is called "playing dumb." So that's. That's fun.
His one fear is that not everything will explain itself to him.
Jokes are only temporary lies.
If the falsehood is never exposed, there is no punchline. If the punchline is never delivered, the lie is sealed forever, regardless of initial humorous intent. Lies are not funny.
My guy straight up faints when Andrew Hussie sneaks up on him, an author-insert known for having inexplicable interludes full of randumb humor. He has ceased. He talked big about how he only cared about the timeline that featured his birth and his death, but he never saw his last moments coming.
that is the joke. The joke is that he never got to be in on the joke. It's quite the meta joke, which is a rather fitting fate for a narrator. It's at least 8 years later, and I just figured out there was a joke in Homestuck. It's a good joke.
In Dirk's case, I would interpret his title to mean "He who has no self-awareness."
TT: It seems to me you were dwelling within your dream awareness at the expense of your waking business again.
TT: I don't think you're as awesome a multi-tasker as you like to think. You know you kind of zombie the fuck out on this side when you get all contemplative on that side.
I think connecting these pairs of classes explains a lot of things, like how Meulin romanced Kankri in one timeline and Kurloz in the other. It explains why Eridan's wand made Sollux deaf to the voices of the imminently deceased and blind to the carnage, simultaneously nullifying his arc and letting him chill out. (which is a clever thing for him to do! otherwise he'd know that eridan was going to straight up kill feferi and would have done something) It explains why Terezi and Rose, on their off-game, indulged in addictive substances while Gamzee stayed sober. It explains why Dirk, Rose, and Terezi are teaming up together to do evil. It explains how Dirk is so stupid when it comes to gender, an aspect of identity. It explains why Rose said this:
ROSE: In Complacency of th—
She corrects herself.
ROSE: In the silly wizard story I wrote when I was a child,
ROSE: The realm most comparable to heaven existed in a state of subliminal conditionality, dependent on the inscience of the individual experiencing it.
ROSE: Which is to say that it would cease to exist the moment you realized what it was.
ROSE: And so, those with knowledge could never truly be happy.
And how she seems to be the only character who is genuinely happy with the chaotic way that things turned out.
In conclusion:

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