Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
- finallyDeme
- Posts: 143
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[PG]: [===] brb im at a place i need to do something [===]
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- lml55
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
WS: well i just got an invitation to a party care to come
((this is meant to be a set up for a rp by rookie1978))
((this is meant to be a set up for a rp by rookie1978))
- snarfgargle
- Posts: 25
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
articulatoryConnoisseur [AC] has joined the chat.
AC: My, my, my! Is this not this just the most curiously quaint and whimsical of gossip gulches to have ever graced my remarkably imperative attention on such a beautifully superb and astonishingly impeccable night such as this one I find myself currently inhabiting?
AC: Wondrously excellent and so utterly tremendous to see the common folk and their socially economic betters mingling under such benign circumstances, beneath the sovereign rule of our great and wonderfully elegant Empress and her equally~as~lovely Heiress apparent. :]
AC: It would bring a tear to mine eyes if I were so inclined to indulge in the base emotional theatrics and evocatively impassioned nature of the lesser~born, and their utterly rust~hued sanguinity.
AC: And yet here I remain; impossibly stoic, picturesque, and impeccable as I ever must be for the sake of mine own self, and each and every sake that has yet to have been properly saked within the impenetrably chaotic flurry of my entirely exigent existence.
AC: Now then! How does this delectably fine little evening find you all?
AC: Do tell! I relish the occupation of such good and wholesome sea~salt~of~the~earth~company, without the usual accoutrements and superfluous absurdity that does oft follow me whilst cavorting about in the flesh. ;]
AC: My, my, my! Is this not this just the most curiously quaint and whimsical of gossip gulches to have ever graced my remarkably imperative attention on such a beautifully superb and astonishingly impeccable night such as this one I find myself currently inhabiting?
AC: Wondrously excellent and so utterly tremendous to see the common folk and their socially economic betters mingling under such benign circumstances, beneath the sovereign rule of our great and wonderfully elegant Empress and her equally~as~lovely Heiress apparent. :]
AC: It would bring a tear to mine eyes if I were so inclined to indulge in the base emotional theatrics and evocatively impassioned nature of the lesser~born, and their utterly rust~hued sanguinity.
AC: And yet here I remain; impossibly stoic, picturesque, and impeccable as I ever must be for the sake of mine own self, and each and every sake that has yet to have been properly saked within the impenetrably chaotic flurry of my entirely exigent existence.
AC: Now then! How does this delectably fine little evening find you all?
AC: Do tell! I relish the occupation of such good and wholesome sea~salt~of~the~earth~company, without the usual accoutrements and superfluous absurdity that does oft follow me whilst cavorting about in the flesh. ;]

- finallyDeme
- Posts: 143
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[PG]: [!] just beat up a bronzeblood [!]
[PG]: [!] i suspect i'm gonna get my ass kicked because of this but [!]
[PG]: [=] felt good because he was an asshole [=]
[PG]: [!] i suspect i'm gonna get my ass kicked because of this but [!]
[PG]: [=] felt good because he was an asshole [=]
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- drumSkiller
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
overdramticSugerrush [OS] has joined the chat
[OS]: Wat ies goig own her?
[OS]: tis sems cayotic
[OS]: cen ey goin ve thighting?
[OS]: Wat ies goig own her?
[OS]: tis sems cayotic
[OS]: cen ey goin ve thighting?
- Attachments
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Bad typing quirks r us 

- snarfgargle
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
AC: Ahh, the frivolously puerile battles and clashes that do so abound within the lamentably pernicious realm of those born unto the lowest totems of our robustly puissant society.
AC: How negligent and derelict the upbringings of those lesser~born do slide upwards and outwards towards those who should intuitively know better. :[
AC: I must say, I expected more exceptional and sophisticatedly cosmopolitan behavior to be elicited from one who would bear the insurmountable burden that is the blood of our loveliest matrons.
AC: Such raucous and rambunctiously unruly behavior is terribly ill~suited for one sporting the solemnly dignified standing of a jade. :|
AC: These matters are best left to your betters, no?
AC: But let us not dwell on such ludicrously inane and preposterous talk of savagery and barbarism, hmm? I have the cultivated discernment and sensibilities to let such things lie where they are wont to, after all. :]
AC: Now, what ever could this be? Another rustblood doth approach!
AC: One bearing the distinguished mark of drastically boorish and philistine behavior.
AC: Would it not be so agreeable as to live life in such an entirely unfettered way, regardless of ingeniously cerebral and esteemed spiritual pursuits?
AC: Yet there are those of us ~ such as my ever~gracious self ~ who readily and willingly take up the imperative mantle that is the destiny and inevitability of our magnanimous and sublime species; such that the lesser~born may continue to wallow in their continued ignorance and benightedness.
AC: You are all most welcome for it. ;]
AC: How negligent and derelict the upbringings of those lesser~born do slide upwards and outwards towards those who should intuitively know better. :[
AC: I must say, I expected more exceptional and sophisticatedly cosmopolitan behavior to be elicited from one who would bear the insurmountable burden that is the blood of our loveliest matrons.
AC: Such raucous and rambunctiously unruly behavior is terribly ill~suited for one sporting the solemnly dignified standing of a jade. :|
AC: These matters are best left to your betters, no?
AC: But let us not dwell on such ludicrously inane and preposterous talk of savagery and barbarism, hmm? I have the cultivated discernment and sensibilities to let such things lie where they are wont to, after all. :]
AC: Now, what ever could this be? Another rustblood doth approach!
AC: One bearing the distinguished mark of drastically boorish and philistine behavior.
AC: Would it not be so agreeable as to live life in such an entirely unfettered way, regardless of ingeniously cerebral and esteemed spiritual pursuits?
AC: Yet there are those of us ~ such as my ever~gracious self ~ who readily and willingly take up the imperative mantle that is the destiny and inevitability of our magnanimous and sublime species; such that the lesser~born may continue to wallow in their continued ignorance and benightedness.
AC: You are all most welcome for it. ;]

- finallyDeme
- Posts: 143
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- Moon: Prospit
Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[PG]: [?] im sorry what [?]
[PG]: [?=] and not an annoyed what i mean just like what [?=]
[PG]: [?=] like i don't know what you mean [?=]
[PG]: [?=] please explain [?=]
[PG]: [?=] and not an annoyed what i mean just like what [?=]
[PG]: [?=] like i don't know what you mean [?=]
[PG]: [?=] please explain [?=]
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- drumSkiller
- Posts: 8
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[OS]: suc log wods! fanks four leting mee walow en mi imigrents
[OS]:Itis lik fe bes fing two walow en!
[OS]:Itis lik fe bes fing two walow en!
Bad typing quirks r us 

- snarfgargle
- Posts: 25
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- Location: mars
Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
AC: Ah, yes indeed. Allow me to tone down my so-called "language habits" and "speech mannerisms". I always forget that lowbloods have a difficult time deciphering their more complex and well-read counterparts when we speak so loquaciously on a regular basis.
AC: How utterly and genuinely foolish of me to not remember the most basic and elementary rules of conversing with lesser~borns.
AC: Oh dear. And I'm doing it again. It would be funny if it weren't so unequivocally true!
AC: Ahh... :]
AC: But yes. As I was saying before, a troll of your blood color ought not to engage in such violent acts against those lower on the societal totem pole than you.
AC: It is uncouth for jades to take up arms in such a frivolous manner. The only time they ought to raise their hands is in the defense of our race's progeny.
AC: You are far too close to those of the voluble teal caste to be fighting; and were I in your position, I would quite simply consider hiring an olive assassin next time. They're much cheaper, and more expendable than someone of your standing, as it were.
AC: How utterly and genuinely foolish of me to not remember the most basic and elementary rules of conversing with lesser~borns.
AC: Oh dear. And I'm doing it again. It would be funny if it weren't so unequivocally true!
AC: Ahh... :]
AC: But yes. As I was saying before, a troll of your blood color ought not to engage in such violent acts against those lower on the societal totem pole than you.
AC: It is uncouth for jades to take up arms in such a frivolous manner. The only time they ought to raise their hands is in the defense of our race's progeny.
AC: You are far too close to those of the voluble teal caste to be fighting; and were I in your position, I would quite simply consider hiring an olive assassin next time. They're much cheaper, and more expendable than someone of your standing, as it were.

- finallyDeme
- Posts: 143
- Joined: Wed Dec 25, 2019 11:25 pm
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[PG]: [=!=] haha ok [=!=]
[PG]: [===] first of all, jade blood is rare, meaning i'm closer to your blood than anyone else here [===]
[PG]: [===] second of all, i cannot do this whole "royalty" thing [===]
[PG]: [!!!] it's so god damn racist [!!!]
[PG]: [!!!] "oh cedric you're a lowblood" [!!!]
[PG]: [!!!] "oh cedric highbloods just eliminated all civil rights for people below the age of five sweeps, people that have white hair, people with a broken horn, people with a lisp, and people that don't respect the empress" [!!!]
[PG]: [!!!] well fuck the empress and fuck all the highbloods unless they start giving a shit about the lowbloods [!!!]
[PG]: [!!!] i don't care if i get culled for this at least i went out saying what's on my mind [!!!]
[PG]: [===] first of all, jade blood is rare, meaning i'm closer to your blood than anyone else here [===]
[PG]: [===] second of all, i cannot do this whole "royalty" thing [===]
[PG]: [!!!] it's so god damn racist [!!!]
[PG]: [!!!] "oh cedric you're a lowblood" [!!!]
[PG]: [!!!] "oh cedric highbloods just eliminated all civil rights for people below the age of five sweeps, people that have white hair, people with a broken horn, people with a lisp, and people that don't respect the empress" [!!!]
[PG]: [!!!] well fuck the empress and fuck all the highbloods unless they start giving a shit about the lowbloods [!!!]
[PG]: [!!!] i don't care if i get culled for this at least i went out saying what's on my mind [!!!]
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- drumSkiller
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- Classpect: Rouge of time
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- snarfgargle
- Posts: 25
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
AC: Aaaaahh! I am so utterly and wholly altogether apologetic for how long it took me to respond to this climatically cultivating conversation.
AC: I always forget how criminally unhinged and deranged some lowbloods tend to act when once one removes the immediate threat assuring their destruction within a social situation. I was taking a scant moment to have an invigorating laugh, you see. :]
AC: I would, perhaps, tread more softly and carefully in the future when it comes to the words you post in an online forum. What would happen if the leaders of your particular cloister just so happened to discover your blatantly heretical leanings? That would be a truly terrible thing not only for yourself, but the other jades living with you.
AC: It is almost entirely too selfish on your part to have such beliefs when it jeopardizes the lives of so many of your caste~mates!
AC: For shame. :[
AC: I always forget how criminally unhinged and deranged some lowbloods tend to act when once one removes the immediate threat assuring their destruction within a social situation. I was taking a scant moment to have an invigorating laugh, you see. :]
AC: I would, perhaps, tread more softly and carefully in the future when it comes to the words you post in an online forum. What would happen if the leaders of your particular cloister just so happened to discover your blatantly heretical leanings? That would be a truly terrible thing not only for yourself, but the other jades living with you.
AC: It is almost entirely too selfish on your part to have such beliefs when it jeopardizes the lives of so many of your caste~mates!
AC: For shame. :[

- Astridify
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
SleepyStarlight [SS] has joined the chat!
SS: ...waiiit
SS: ...hahahaha ooooh my gooood
SS: ...iiim noooot reeadiiing any oooof that
SS: ...eespeeciiially noooot what thee priiick aboooovee mee was sayiiing
SS: ...hoooow doooo yoooou eeven wriiite that muuuuuch
SS: ...hoooow muuuuuch freeee tiiimee doooo yoooouuuuu havee
(My character introduction will come later. Just know that she is a very annoyed and sleepy troll.)
SS: ...waiiit
SS: ...hahahaha ooooh my gooood
SS: ...iiim noooot reeadiiing any oooof that
SS: ...eespeeciiially noooot what thee priiick aboooovee mee was sayiiing
SS: ...hoooow doooo yoooou eeven wriiite that muuuuuch
SS: ...hoooow muuuuuch freeee tiiimee doooo yoooouuuuu havee
(My character introduction will come later. Just know that she is a very annoyed and sleepy troll.)
- Nep
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
==> Check up on CH.
He had been caught off guard by an assailant and now he is currently lying onto the grass. He totally got his ass handed in an ambush by someone he didn't know at all, surely he doesn't understand why. He had got in a brief strife with them, only to end up losing because he had set up cardkind as his primary specibus, yet his enemy didn't give him a chance to defend himself or to even swap his specibus to knifekind. He began to text to the chatroom. He absolutely knows the troll was a jadeblood, he had seen their symbol was of a jade color.
CH: okaY
CH: who3v3r did 7ha7 and go7 mY ass hand3d
CH: fuck You and ill fucking mak3 sur3 7o 3nd You
CH: i fucking will sw3ar r3v3ng3 on You and 3nd You and Your fucking shi77Y midblood lin3ag3!!!
CH: goddamn You imb3cil3, Youll ru3 7h3 daY You d3cid3 7o cross wi7h m3!
CH: ill pulv3riz3 You and s3ll Your as lusus food!!!
He had been caught off guard by an assailant and now he is currently lying onto the grass. He totally got his ass handed in an ambush by someone he didn't know at all, surely he doesn't understand why. He had got in a brief strife with them, only to end up losing because he had set up cardkind as his primary specibus, yet his enemy didn't give him a chance to defend himself or to even swap his specibus to knifekind. He began to text to the chatroom. He absolutely knows the troll was a jadeblood, he had seen their symbol was of a jade color.
CH: okaY
CH: who3v3r did 7ha7 and go7 mY ass hand3d
CH: fuck You and ill fucking mak3 sur3 7o 3nd You
CH: i fucking will sw3ar r3v3ng3 on You and 3nd You and Your fucking shi77Y midblood lin3ag3!!!
CH: goddamn You imb3cil3, Youll ru3 7h3 daY You d3cid3 7o cross wi7h m3!
CH: ill pulv3riz3 You and s3ll Your as lusus food!!!
Forum's Certified Nep.
|| Rogue of Heart

- snarfgargle
- Posts: 25
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- Location: mars
Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
AC: Hmmmm. :|
AC: Such poor form from yet another of our prodigious species, who has lost their metaphorically symbolic way within the confines of our indomitably meritorious empire.
AC: I would have expected this type of disgracefully distasteful behavior to have been bequeathed by an equally detestable and disorderly cerulean.
AC: And yet here it would seem as though the bud of utterly inconsiderate and slipshod demeanors has well~and~fully bloomed amongst those few proud souls imbibed with the richest of indigo blood!
AC: A truly terrible and tragic situation indeed. :/
AC: I had much higher hopes for your particular caste than most others, would you not know? Such humiliation do you bring down upon them, with these heinous and indecent words that you have currently directed towards my impeccably effulgent self.
AC: Though as your societal superior ~ imbued with all of the goodly and voluminous graces that have been bestowed upon me by my fellow ocean~inhabiting compatriots ~ I suppose I can find it in my heartiest of hale hearts to forgive such fraught and unscrupulous notions, as misguided and erroneous as I had initially interpreted them to be.
AC: It is most utterly fortunate that my commodious mood is in the highest of spirits this supreme evening, is it not? ;]
AC: Such poor form from yet another of our prodigious species, who has lost their metaphorically symbolic way within the confines of our indomitably meritorious empire.
AC: I would have expected this type of disgracefully distasteful behavior to have been bequeathed by an equally detestable and disorderly cerulean.
AC: And yet here it would seem as though the bud of utterly inconsiderate and slipshod demeanors has well~and~fully bloomed amongst those few proud souls imbibed with the richest of indigo blood!
AC: A truly terrible and tragic situation indeed. :/
AC: I had much higher hopes for your particular caste than most others, would you not know? Such humiliation do you bring down upon them, with these heinous and indecent words that you have currently directed towards my impeccably effulgent self.
AC: Though as your societal superior ~ imbued with all of the goodly and voluminous graces that have been bestowed upon me by my fellow ocean~inhabiting compatriots ~ I suppose I can find it in my heartiest of hale hearts to forgive such fraught and unscrupulous notions, as misguided and erroneous as I had initially interpreted them to be.
AC: It is most utterly fortunate that my commodious mood is in the highest of spirits this supreme evening, is it not? ;]

- finallyDeme
- Posts: 143
- Joined: Wed Dec 25, 2019 11:25 pm
- Pronouns: she/her
- Classpect: Bard of Mind
- Moon: Prospit
Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[PG]: [-] i live alone so no one else would be killed [-]
[PG]: [-] oh hey CH did you see the jade's sign??? [-]
[PG]: [-] maybe it was vircer [-]
[PG]: [-] oh hey CH did you see the jade's sign??? [-]
[PG]: [-] maybe it was vircer [-]
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- snarfgargle
- Posts: 25
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
AC: A jade, living beyond the constrained confine and sheltered security of their customarily assigned and sanctioned cloister?
AC: How utterly quaint and laughably fanciful, for certainties within certainties! :]
AC: Though it would surely explain the entire and complete lack of courtesy and decorum that you carry within your peculiar quintessence. :|
AC: I daresay that it is not a falsehood to declare that you are lacking in those affluently affable conducts typically ubiquitous and pervasive within the caste of our beloved matrons.
AC: It will be especially curious to see how long you manage to last when the time for your impending exile has arrived.
AC: If you are so absolutely willing to reach such a monumental moment in your laconic and sententious existence, rather than having been extirpated from some other frivolously impractical endeavor that the lesser~born are oft so inclined to partake in. :]
AC: How utterly quaint and laughably fanciful, for certainties within certainties! :]
AC: Though it would surely explain the entire and complete lack of courtesy and decorum that you carry within your peculiar quintessence. :|
AC: I daresay that it is not a falsehood to declare that you are lacking in those affluently affable conducts typically ubiquitous and pervasive within the caste of our beloved matrons.
AC: It will be especially curious to see how long you manage to last when the time for your impending exile has arrived.
AC: If you are so absolutely willing to reach such a monumental moment in your laconic and sententious existence, rather than having been extirpated from some other frivolously impractical endeavor that the lesser~born are oft so inclined to partake in. :]
Last edited by snarfgargle on Wed Jan 01, 2020 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

- finallyDeme
- Posts: 143
- Joined: Wed Dec 25, 2019 11:25 pm
- Pronouns: she/her
- Classpect: Bard of Mind
- Moon: Prospit
Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[PG]: [-] i found a dead teal's hive and now i'm living there [-]
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- Nep
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
==> CH: Be suspicious of PG.
There is no need to be suspicious of PG, in fact he is absolutely sure that PG was behind this attack. Even someone with a case of thinkpan rotting would piece 2 + 2 together to get the real culprit, after all they were the only Jade online and the fact they even ask for what kind of symbol it is just seals the deal. He'll plan something for them, but not yet. All things will happen... in due time. He proceeded to calm down and just do a wicked grin, if he can rig this setup properly... It should be absolutely no problem. He would get a Palmhusk from his pocket and arrange a call, all while he writes on his husktop at the same time.
CH: I can confirm 7ha7 i7 was a virc3r.
CH: and AC d3spi73 mY vulgari7Y, im simplY a v3rY r3sourc3ful 7roll.
CH: I onlY car3 abou7 survival and ill do wha73v3r i7 7ak3s 7o r3ach adul7hood.
CH: onlY r3al pupas who hav3 shi7 for 7hinkpans will p3rish lik3 dumbass3s and im no7 lik3 7h3m.
CH: also bY 7h3 waY i hav3 an in73r3s7ing s3l3c7ion of war3s in mY inv3n7orY if Youd lik3 7o s33 and buY. OnlY 7h3 b3s7 inv3n7orY a7 7h3 b3s7 pric3s in all of al73rnia, no s7rings a77ach3d and quali7Y is guaran733d.
There is no need to be suspicious of PG, in fact he is absolutely sure that PG was behind this attack. Even someone with a case of thinkpan rotting would piece 2 + 2 together to get the real culprit, after all they were the only Jade online and the fact they even ask for what kind of symbol it is just seals the deal. He'll plan something for them, but not yet. All things will happen... in due time. He proceeded to calm down and just do a wicked grin, if he can rig this setup properly... It should be absolutely no problem. He would get a Palmhusk from his pocket and arrange a call, all while he writes on his husktop at the same time.
CH: I can confirm 7ha7 i7 was a virc3r.
CH: and AC d3spi73 mY vulgari7Y, im simplY a v3rY r3sourc3ful 7roll.
CH: I onlY car3 abou7 survival and ill do wha73v3r i7 7ak3s 7o r3ach adul7hood.
CH: onlY r3al pupas who hav3 shi7 for 7hinkpans will p3rish lik3 dumbass3s and im no7 lik3 7h3m.
CH: also bY 7h3 waY i hav3 an in73r3s7ing s3l3c7ion of war3s in mY inv3n7orY if Youd lik3 7o s33 and buY. OnlY 7h3 b3s7 inv3n7orY a7 7h3 b3s7 pric3s in all of al73rnia, no s7rings a77ach3d and quali7Y is guaran733d.
Forum's Certified Nep.
|| Rogue of Heart

- finallyDeme
- Posts: 143
- Joined: Wed Dec 25, 2019 11:25 pm
- Pronouns: she/her
- Classpect: Bard of Mind
- Moon: Prospit
Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[PG]: [-] feels good man [-]
[PG]: [-] well time to change my ip address [-]
[PG]: [-] well time to change my ip address [-]
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