I have always found Eridan to be extremely fascinating from many aspects and it's very difficult for me to dislike him. I have no clue why he would lash out to destroy the Matriorb and outright murder the girl he was trying to get together with (I still think it was just a cheap way to add extra drama to an already bleak situation but that's probably just me), but I found everything else about him very understandable and pitiful in the way that I wanted to give the guy a hug and then dad the shit out of him by kicking his ass about how he believes everyone should follow his internal script. He also has an extremely attractive design aesthetically and I find he has a lot of potential as a character outside of being a one-note joke villain. He expressed many times in canon that he has situational awareness and knows his friends, and wants them to be happy. He prioritizes the person he cares for over his own desires, which I mean, is kind of noble.

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I distinctly recall Eridan was really upset about something at one point, and tried to contact Karkat, but because Karkat was overwhelmed with his own problems he was unable to help, and thus Eridan went to Gamzee. When Gamzee relayed the situation to Eridan, Eridan says he
feels bad about having to bother others with his feelings.

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Eridan's really just one of those characters that got shafted because the trolls were too superfluous to begin with and were just a big collection of minor characters that weren't intended to be important, and yet, the narrative spent so much fucking time setting all of them up with cool powers and interesting backstories and relatable desires and goals and shit.
So yeah in conclusion I like Eridan and he deserved better.