i really like it when people explore more on the little things that make roxy, roxy other than just "haha alcohol and self-sexualization!!"
roxy, to me, spoke out to be one of the most non-sexual feminine characters in homestuck. that's why, for a long time, i've headcanoned her as a trans girl. obviously, the epilogues exist, kind of. and all trans headcanons for roxy are valid. that being said, trans fem headcanons ARE my personal favourites.
she spoke to me as a character who was able to successfully become in-tune with her femininity while not objectifying herself, lest what a portion of the fandom portrays her to be like. roxy's character reminds me of the lolita fashion movement in japan [not to be confused with the pedophilic term used over in the west], a form of childish fashion created by women who wanted to wear what they want instead of trying to appeal to their husbands. with big frilly dresses, they didn't reveal any of their bodies, and were shamed by men for engaging in this trend. they were having none of it.
anyway. in conclusion i just really love roxy lalonde.