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Subtle Details and/or Possible Foreshadowing
Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 3:20 pm
So I was rereading the commentary for the april updates and it made me take a closer look at this panel. Unless the "something odd" was the croc, which is not out of the question, I noticed the sewing pins.
If you'll look closely at pic related, you can see that the pins in Harry's pincushion are in the text colors of Vrissy (and an extra one for Vriska), himself and Tavros Crocker. Likewise for the hat, minus one for OG Vriska. The pins on the table are in Dave, Jade, and John's text color, with the scissors possibly being Rose's color, but looking funny because texture.
So far those are all obvious groupings, so I'll draw your attention to the ground: pins in Karkat, Dirk, and Yiffy's colors. DUN DUN DUN.
I doubt we'll ever be able to predict in what context Karkat, Yiffy, and Dirk meaningfully cooperate, if that's even what this implies at all, so I'll also settle for any other subtle things you might've found in panels going in this thread too.
Re: Subtle Details and/or Possible Foreshadowing
Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 8:42 pm
by thorondraco
VASKA wrote: ↑Thu May 21, 2020 3:20 pm
So I was rereading the commentary for the april updates and it made me take a closer look at this panel. Unless the "something odd" was the croc, which is not out of the question, I noticed the sewing pins.
If you'll look closely at pic related, you can see that the pins in Harry's pincushion are in the text colors of Vrissy (and an extra one for Vriska), himself and Tavros Crocker. Likewise for the hat, minus one for OG Vriska. The pins on the table are in Dave, Jade, and John's text color, with the scissors possibly being Rose's color, but looking funny because texture.
So far those are all obvious groupings, so I'll draw your attention to the ground: pins in Karkat, Dirk, and Yiffy's colors. DUN DUN DUN.
I doubt we'll ever be able to predict in what context Karkat, Yiffy, and Dirk meaningfully cooperate, if that's even what this implies at all, so I'll also settle for any other subtle things you might've found in panels going in this thread too.
I would not put it past them in the slightest to foreshadow shit in such a way. Not at all. It would be clever.
Re: Subtle Details and/or Possible Foreshadowing
Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 9:05 pm
by Mandy
Pins? Representing characters? Could it mean...
Seriously, though, did we ever see what happened to Die's doll? Could always turn up somewhere.
Re: Subtle Details and/or Possible Foreshadowing
Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 9:47 pm
by overThinker
i think it was with spades slick? so maybe dirk nabbed it during collide?
that raises the fucking stakes lmao
Re: Subtle Details and/or Possible Foreshadowing
Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 3:35 pm
by thorondraco
overThinker wrote: ↑Thu May 21, 2020 9:47 pm
i think it was with spades slick? so maybe dirk nabbed it during collide?
that raises the fucking stakes lmao
its possible....
wait what if its what he is using to stay alive?
Re: Subtle Details and/or Possible Foreshadowing
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 3:58 pm
by SteperOfTheLongEarth
Are we sure that's supposed to be yiffy on the floor? Her color is more red-ish? I was thinking that might be meat dirk and
rose that were going to mean karkat in some capacity. I don't think it makes sense for the Hat Pins to also represent the omega kids again. I think it might be Meat John and Terezi with maybe Rose? Notice how they are against a blue background so you can't tell if they are the same color as the ones at the table.
Is the green pin touching the purplish scissors supposed to mean...if that was foreshadowing to Rose and Jade hooking up I will be mad and impressed simultaneously.
Hey remember this? Notice that egg and dog on what looks like a questbed thing? I thought it was a morbid call back to when Dave and Jade got stabbed on Jade's questbed in the game over timeline I'm wondering if it's actually foreshadowing to other events in the future? Because this is Hoemstuck and those two are usually one in the same...
Oh shit, and I just noticed the stupid board down in the left hand corner we see the full thing later...welp
Re: Subtle Details and/or Possible Foreshadowing
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 4:02 pm
by SteperOfTheLongEarth
SteperOfTheLongEarth wrote: ↑Sat May 23, 2020 3:58 pm
Oh shit, and I just noticed the stupid board down in the left hand corner we see the full thing later...welp
Well shit never mind, it is also on page 3....god

And 5 and probably a bunch of other pages too...
Re: Subtle Details and/or Possible Foreshadowing
Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 5:44 pm
by foreverFlummoxed
The pins don't match anyone's colours EXACTLY it seems, but they may be close:
Hat pins/pins stuck in ball thing: Purple (116,6,161) Blue (0,89,176) lighter blue (0,159,201)
laying on table pins: red (250,1,6) green (0,255,20) blue (0,84,255)
laying on floor pins: gray (119,119,119) purple (195,0,177) yellow (255,165,0)
the only object in the room that shares a colour with the pins is the shadow of the blue cloth hanging in the bin, which matches the darker blue pins in the hat and ball (the cloth also shares it's main colour with Harry Anderson's scarf)
As for Die's Juju:
the last mention of it was here

(it's a single timeline jump as Jake shot Sawbuck to get to this point)