INHOSPITABLE is my webcomic, that is not really a fanventure, but takes a lot of style and format of an MSPA. Generally, it is very inspired by Homestuck in the most superficial of ways. I have high ambitions for it that I'm not sure I'll be able to reach. Anyway, this seems the post appropriate place to mark a territory for myself.

A few of the video pages I plan to reupload with some key edits and tweaks to bring it further up to my standard, and once Episode 3 is done, I will be recropping and editing all panels to fit more properly into rectangles, and hosting all panels on Miroware.io for faster loading and organization convenience. If Episode 3 turns out to be a considerably higher mark in quality, there is a possibility that the entire comic will be shelved and rebooted in favor of matching it's style and quality. The future of the comic is uncertain, aside from Episode 3 being currently in progress, and set to release next year, when it is finished.