First, a summary:
The Ziflverse is the universe in which GLB-206 and the Officecraft exist. Canon trolls and sBurb/Grub don't exist, so we came up with many liberties combined with headcanons, theories and other things recorded on multiple documents for the players of our RP groups to read! Our universe relies heavily on horrorterrors to make up for the fact that the game doesn't exist, and is named after the horrorterror associated with the creation of the universe, Zif'lzi. We have a total of 54+ pages of lore for the universe, and I hope it's enough to get everything covered!
Our supplementary lore doc can be read here, which links to some of our other lore documents which includes Clown Lore, Horrorterrors, history of rebellion on Alternia and the biography of the Empress. I'm working on more lore, especially regarding the movement for the mutant trolls.
Who is the Empress of Alternia?

Her Empyrean Captivation, AKA Leisse Johana, is a fairly recent and young Empress. She only took to the throne 300 sweeps ago, but since then she has rapidly expanded the Alternian Empire and pushed space travel farther than any Empress has gone before. This means all colonies are fairly young, too!
Who was troll Jesus?

Shawka Alward, aka the Thornful / The Forgotten. TLDR; she was a lime servant of HEC and stole a bunch of her stuff which she redistributed to lowbloods, and worked mostly in secrecy. She was meant to be executed, but disappeared mysteriously. Her words lived on in the caverns among jades.
Who was responsible for banishing adults on Alternia?

The Shining. (Design needs to be revisited). He was a Jade man who went from town to town, displeased by the fact that the Forgotten's words had no effect on society. He took matters into his own hands in a more interactive approach, which eventually lead to raiding HEC's palace and subsequently getting executed and having all adults banned from Alternia.
What kinda colonies do you have?
We have two colonies part of our lore officially. Altaimmoth, lovingly nicknamed the Paleolithic Planet ooc, and Malympus, the Jock Planet.