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Kanaya Maryam Appreciation Thread
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 6:32 pm
by KanayaMaryam
As a Kanaya stan, I legally have to open this thread. Anyway, I know there’s been some discussion about her on these forums before, but I wanted some positive content because boy howdy do I love this gal with a chainsaw.
Her clothing? Iconic.
The lipstick? Incredible.
That chainsaw? Hoooo it’s gettin’ hot here.
In short: I’m a big gay who loves this badass troll.
Re: Kanaya Maryam Appreciation Thread
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 6:37 pm
by Sahxyel

Kanaya shares my horoscope symbol so I've been a bit partial to her and even identify with the need to mother others and play team mom, as well as a sudden explosion of furious righteous energy laser-focused on correcting a wrong that stands in her way. She's kinder than most trolls and has a wonderful aesthetic I appreciate.

Re: Kanaya Maryam Appreciation Thread
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 6:50 pm
by Space
shes my fave! i love her like combo of dry sass and encouragement
also how she has a very colorful, bright aesthetic, but is in alternian society considered equivalent to a super hardcore goth because of it
Re: Kanaya Maryam Appreciation Thread
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 6:51 pm
by Leddy
One of my Top 3 favorite characters from Homestuck and my darndest favorite troll (Tied with Nepeta).
Rosemary being canon made me so happy and Kanaya grew to be my favorite through that a lot of the way. As a character she gives off solid vibes and seems less insane than most of the cast desu. I really like and appreciate Kanaya and her good sass.

Re: Kanaya Maryam Appreciation Thread
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 7:13 pm
by arachnidsGrip
Every single positive thing about Kanaya is true. Personally I really loved basically all of her dialogue in the comic. When I was first reading through it she was actually my favorite character! Here are a few quotes of hers that I really like:
GA: You Seem More Excited Than Usual
GA: Or Less
GA: I Cant Tell
GA: Help Me Tell Without Saying Glub
CC: Glub glub glub glub glub glub glub!
GA: Im Going To Type This Face Now
GA: :?
GA: Even Though No One Knows How To Make A Mouth Do A Question Shape Like That
AG: Cahoooooooots!!!!!!!!
AG: Cahoots I say.
GA: You Sure Do Seem To Be Saying Cahoots
CA: so help me out tell her to talk to me i think she blocked me you got to
GA: Why Do I Got To
GA: I Dont Got To And Every Time You Take My Help For Granted I Feel Like I Got To A Little Less
Re: Kanaya Maryam Appreciation Thread
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 7:19 pm
by KanayaMaryam
All of you... all of you are so valid and make excellent points! I’ve mentioned it before but I really relate to Kanaya’s steadiness and patience until it finally snaps, as well as her need to meddle in things because she feels like it’s her responsibility and she has to help in some way
She’s just a really great character who does what she does best: kicking ass, kissing girls, and taking no bullshit
Re: Kanaya Maryam Appreciation Thread
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 9:07 pm
by bathtimebird
She's my favorite Troll girl in terms of design. Her dialogue is annoying to read though.
Re: Kanaya Maryam Appreciation Thread
Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 6:23 pm
by Alt-Universe Wash
Kanaya is probably my favorite character in the whole damn comic! In addition to sharing her classpect, I very much relate to her strong desire to help her friends solve their problems. Also +5 for style and +100 for CHAINSAWS!
Fan art I just finished today for tax! (a bit blurry cause I had to scale it down since it was originally done at some ungodly high resolution)

Re: Kanaya Maryam Appreciation Thread
Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 8:10 pm
by Radical Dude 42
Looks awesome! I love the flow it has. And I actually just did some fan-art of my own, which I'm quite proud of.
Funnily enough, this was more or less made simply to celebrate Kanaya, because I was skimming through Act 5 the other day, and I realized her dialogue is just SO good. She's just a hilarious BUT ALSO really cool character, whom I think is actually a great like, example of a troll. In fact, she's probably the best example of a troll. I mean like, she's got it all: a bad-ass weapon, cool powers (okay, I guess "vampirism" and "glowing" aren't THAT cool, but they're better than nothing!), and also the BEST quirk. Its Simple But Also Hilarious
Re: Kanaya Maryam Appreciation Thread
Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 11:48 pm
by Alt-Universe Wash
That's awesome! Got a very storybook illustration quality to it - I love it!
I'm working on a piece of RoseMary fluff that's coming along nicely, but only the sketch is done right now. Really happy with how it's turning out though:

Re: Kanaya Maryam Appreciation Thread
Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 12:09 am
by Kidpen
Kanaya's Quirk Is Simply The Best Quirk Of All The Quirks
This Is True Whether You Like It Or Not
There Is No Denying It
KANAYA: If During Your Manuscript Exchange You Need Someone To Read Over Your Shoulder
KANAYA: To Proofread
KANAYA: To Purge Each Sentence Of Punctuation And Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word
KANAYA: Id Be Happy To Volunteer
KANAYA: Strictly Professionally Of Course And Not Because I Really Want To Read Your Wizard Things Too
KANAYA: (I Really Want To Read Your Wizard Things Too I Hope Thats Okay)
Re: Kanaya Maryam Appreciation Thread
Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 3:37 am
by Alt-Universe Wash
Oh look, I stayed up until 2:30 am to finish the RoseMary piece I was working on!