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Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 12:13 am
by Nep
Okay honestly for me it has to be the Land of Light of Rain, it just looks so fucking beautiful. I also love the Land of Frost and Frogs because it looks very comfy and nice.
For the trolls I clearly pick the Land of Wrath and Angels. It's just so aesthetically pleasing to me.
As for the Alpha Kids I gotta give it to the Land of Pyramids and Neon.
Yeah I'm a sucker for aesthetic and colors.
Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 12:21 am
by Cole
i think my favorite is jade's land pre snow melt

Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 7:56 am
by calamityCons
I will ALWAYS love the Land of Wind and Shade, the absolute best way to begin Act 4 and perhaps the most nostalgic and affecting Flash that happened while I was reading along in the begging of the story.
Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:37 am
by seerofheart
I'd probably go with the Land of Heat and Clockwork if only becomes it's the least lonely feeling? Wind and Shade is kind of like a stone age world, Light and Rain seems totally empty, Frost and Frogs is frozen over pre-thaw and post-thaw seems like wilderness, and all the Alpha worlds are dead.
Heat and Clockwork has a stock exchange!
Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:55 am
by Crpal
Land of Light and Rain. It's just so pretty with the water and iridescent seas.

Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:55 am
by Space
LoWaS is really calm and soothing, I like it a lot.
Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:58 am
by Darth_Energon
Land of Wrath and Angels and Land of Wind and Shade
Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 2:59 am
by arachnidsGrip
The Land of Wrath and Angels is definitely a cool one, but personally I like the Land of Thought and Flow (Terezi's land) more. Something about the looming, pulsating green clouds just makes it so cool. It feels alive.

Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 4:47 pm
by nonsenseMnemonic
Idk if it's my favorite because I have a terrible memory of each land and I did just get to LOHAC in my reread, but I love the atmosphere in the Land of Heat and Clockwork. It's feels like a natural extension of Dave's home, just as red and hot and miserable. All of the lands have enemies and obstacles to get through, but a lot of them at least look peaceful and pretty on the surface. LOHAC just strikes me as instantly and unmistakably hostile and I think it's really interesting. Might just be that I hate hot weather and warm colors, but if I'm right I think it works as a neat reflection of Dave grappling with like.. learning how to be sincere with himself and coming from a home that's already pretty unfriendly towards him, not really having a chance to relax physically or emotionally. It doesn't actually have to be that deep but I do think the contrast between beautiful and unpleasant lands is cool and Dave's is a pretty good example of it.
Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 5:09 pm
by dualfallen
I'm honestly a big fan of all of the alpha lands. Just the depressing, isolated, lonely nature of them makes them seem so eerily peaceful. My favorite is Land of Crypts and Helium due to the color scheme and interesting landscape and buildings. A close second is Land of Tombs and Krypton which has amazing ruined architecture and would be flawless if it were breathable.

Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 5:22 pm
by egg
Frost and Frogs has a lot of my favorite land themes associated with it, but I probably like Mounds and Xenon most. I just think the big X in the middle looks cool, and the land itself is simplistic but pretty desolate. Plus, one of my favorite flashes took place in it.

Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 6:35 pm
by bathtimebird
Frost and Frogs, post-thaw. Wind and Shade is also pretty damn good, but that's my nostalgia calling.
Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 7:11 pm
Land of Null and Void. Damn that's a juicy planet.
Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 7:19 pm
by asocksual
Hmmm... I'd have to say that the Land of Frost and Frogs with the snow is my favorite because I love how it's two very different environments combined, and its colors are so beautiful! Also it's my favorite to draw and I love how it's pretty and fantastical but slightly hostile with it being really cold and all, and I'm biased towards just about anything having to do with Jade Harley.
Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:27 am
by Some-Girl
Land of Caves and Silence and Land of Brains and Fire are such opposites of each other but I love both of them so much. I love how both represent each of the players and their aspect perfectly.

Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:43 am
by aquaticFoxfire
LoWaS is just such a beautiful place. We see it first and it's just cool.
I really like the landscape, with it's dark blue and shady mountains and flowing bodies of water oil.
then there's the stark contrast of the bright glowing mushrooms and trees.
most of the other nature based lands are cool...but Wind and Shade is fucking cool.
[before anyone asks, the nature based the more natural looking ones: LoWaS, LoFaF, LoLaR, etc.]
Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:13 am
by zealousZombie
LoLCat obviously Haha.
(But in seriousness I have no idea as all of them are really cool. If I had to choose one it'd probably be Lohac [Strider Yo])
Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:35 am
by Jordan68
bathtimebird wrote: ↑Fri Nov 22, 2019 6:35 pm
Frost and Frogs, post-thaw. Wind and Shade is also pretty damn good, but that's my nostalgia calling.
up bhulekh
Post-thaw" captures the essence of the Land of Frost and Frogs well. Nostalgia for Wind and Shade is understandable, as personal connections to a story's elements can be powerful
Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:02 am
by fartbrainFiggle
I think my favorite land is caves and silence, barely shown but its cool as hell as a concept.
Re: Favorite Land in Homestuck
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 10:34 am
by itsyaboybigBerd
Land of Little Cubes and Tea has the best acronym, hands down.
the Alpha kids' planets have a place in my heart because Act 6 Act 4 was one of the final "good" moments in the comic. And T Moria's "Even In Death" mix is possibly my favorite song on the whole soundtrack.
Plus the designs of those four planets is amazing, except for the Land of Crypts and Helium, that one's too gray.