Space breaks down into Start and Place, then further into Stir, Flux, Scope and Vast. Stir breaks down into Blend and Mix. Flux breaks down into Stretch and Fill. Scope breaks down into Size and Span, while Vast breaks down into Height and Width.
Time breaks down into Stream and Eon, then into Hint, Trend, Bide and Stop. Hint then turns into Clue and Trail, Trend into Hale and Stress, Bide into Wait and Lull and Stop into End and Halt.

Light can be split into Bright and Lot and then into Flash, Warm, Grasp and Odds. Flash breaks down into Spark and See. Warm breaks down into Heat and Glow. Grasp breaks down into Learn and Know. Odds breaks down into Weal and Woe.
Void is then Still and Dark. Those turn into Depth, Hide, Fog and Shade. Depth is then Rift and Press. Hide becomes Cloak and Fade. Fog becomes Mist and Blur. Shade becomes Lack and Dim.

Life is Grow and Romp. Then you get Sprout, Pluck, Wild and Vim. Sprout becomes Youth and New. Pluck becomes Grit and Zest. Wild becomes Scent and Lush. Vim becomes Growth and Thrive.
Doom is Curb and Grind. These become Rule, Yield, Sift and Trim. Rule becomes Trap and Law. Yield becomes Give and Share. Sift becomes Sort and Cost. Trim becomes Prune and Reap.

Breath is Move and Sound. These become Rush, Lift, Din and Tell. Rush becomes Fast and Send. Lift becomes Float and Free. Din becomes Noise and Mess. Tell becomes Voice and Song.
Blood is Yoke and Trust. These then become Serve, Vow, Touch and Lead. Serve becomes Pledge and Help. Vow becomes Tie and Bind. Touch becomes Feel and Bulk, and Lead becomes Clout and Care.

Heart is Pith and Whim. These break down into Self, Groove, Sway and Mood. Self is Id and Front. Groove becomes Vibe and Type. Sway becomes Split and Range, while Mood becomes Weird and Nerve.
Mind breaks down into Will and Thought. These become Seek, Delve, Plan and Mull. Seek becomes Find and Knock. Delve becomes Judge and Fact. Plan becomes Meld and Choice. Mull becomes Muse and Guess.

Hope is Yearn and Dare. These become Wish, Grace, Fun and Dream. Wish becomes Want and Plead, Grace becomes Charm and Strange, Fun becomes Joy and Play, while Dream becomes Goal and Urge.
Rage is Fume and Shun. These are Spur, Force, Warn and Fear. Spur becomes Push and Drive. Force becomes Clash and Brawn. Warn becomes Dread and Heed, while Fear becomes Doubt and Shock.