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by Oddhi » Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:19 pm
This thread is for those who feel as though there were some characters who were not explored enough in the story.
Feel free to tell us who was neglected by the story, and why you feel they deserved more screen time and/or a more complete exploration of their personality!
Any and all characters are welcome for discussion! (Yes, even Hussie himself.)

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by thorondraco » Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:38 pm
Feferi man. She is someone who could have a rather interesting arc i feel. More so she would be soooo motivated to kick the empress' ass. She would have joined Roxie in the absolute beatdown she gave her.
It would have been interesting to see her on Earth C too, seeing the trolls in lets face it, a much better place than on Alternia.
And Equis. Poor boy got shafted pretty hard.
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by BrobyDDark » Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:41 pm
Bro Strider
Any carapacian other than Jack, the Mayor, or those other two.
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by calamityCons » Tue Dec 03, 2019 3:06 pm

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He needs more attention because as a core member of the Midnight Crew it is absolutely ridiculous and stupid that he is constantly killed off and so easily as well. He's supposed to be the burliest and strongest of the whole damn crew, and yet he gets his head sliced off twice over and is otherwise completely fucking ignored for most of his existence. What the fuck.

#ReviveSpadesSlick #WVForNarrativeRelevance
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by Darth_Energon » Tue Dec 03, 2019 4:52 pm
The seadwellers, Sollux, Jade, the exiles that aren't WV/PM and the B2 Guardians.
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by Joyfulldreams » Tue Dec 03, 2019 5:41 pm
God. Jane had so much potential. I hold to this day that Jane had all of the exact same potential to be a fascinating morally grey and controversial character just like Vriska fucking Serket but she was just never given the narrative focus or opportunity to actually get to that point. Not even in the epilogues is her portrayal given the same amount of subtlety that Vriska gets. She could have been such a fascinating villain but instead they throw all fucking subtlety out the window and just turn her into a clown-fucking rapist fascist dictator. UGGGHHH. **I'VE** written Jane as the villain in stories plenty a time but with SUBTLETY!!!! AAAUUGGH!!!
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by nonsenseMnemonic » Tue Dec 03, 2019 6:13 pm
I liked Jake a lot but I'd like him more if he was given more nonromantic attention. He's kind of a mess but he's sweet and some of his conversations hinted at more interesting stuff we didn't really focus on, e.g. feeling like he's only into adventuring because he's supposed to (& how that ties into our expectations of him), or his role around other people (again, bold facade, usually ending up needing rescue). Jake had some good things going for him. Idk if he needed more screentime but what he did have could've been used better. I think his character suffered for only ever really being there for someone else to react to.
Most of the trolls also had cool ideas behind them without enough time to get into them. Which, fair, there were a lot of them. Aradia, Sollux, Nepeta, Equius, Eridan, and Feferi are all trolls I'd have liked to see more of, especially Aradia and Sollux.
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by Leddy » Tue Dec 03, 2019 6:27 pm
Jake - In the story proper he got so mistreated and written so poorly. It was absolutely crazy and his personality clearly has some good bits that they could've used, which they somehow managed not to do. It's really unfortunate that the Alpha kids just got shafted as sterotypical nonsense when they had so much more potential. I hated how they treated them.
Feferi - Others have already pointed her out and it's mostly along those lines. She was killed off entirely because Hussie just didn't like her and writing for her? Like what the fuck? She was literally responsible for the dream bubbles and was actually really cool but she just dies off and than gets a joke of a fuckin appearance at Fefetasprite, whom is just a washed down version of both Nepeta and Feferi who doesn't even speak like at all. Ridiculous I swear.
Nepeta - Okay same situation as Feferi, except that she doesn't have as much interesting stuff going on. She just like never got attention even though she'd have proved to be a really neat character. The best thing to come out of Nepeta is Davepeta but I just wish there was more to her.
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by Sahxyel » Tue Dec 03, 2019 7:38 pm
I think one of the most bizarre choices with Aradia's character is her direction. She starts the comic as a ghost, then a robot, and reveals that she 'serves' the will of Skaia to ensure her game is successful and her friends survive the coming of Bec Noir. She blows up and Godtiers in a pretty kickass sequence where she resolves to never die again and flexes amazing Time power muscle over Bec Noir while doing it! So cool! She's the only other Troll to actually Godtier aside Vriska!
And she fucks off to do nothing for the rest of the comic except play Grim Reaper to a bunch of ghosts in the dreambubbles.
Excuse me: what the fuck? She basically steals Feferi's role as the greeter of the dead since we SAW her do this with Jade after her Dreamself died. She also just kind of sits on her super fucking cool powers and lets her friends fall apart in life? Why does nobody point out how shitty this is? I get 'fate' and all but fate is just author imperative at this point. I sure was glad my expectations of Aradia being a cool badass were subverted so thoroughly as she proceeded to do almost nothing up until Collide!
This is pretty much the other side of the coin here with Aradia. Sollux prior to greeting her talks up a nice game of how Terezi could teach him how to taste colors so he won't be so uselessly blind and seems overall HAPPIER not being surrounded by the voices of the dead. He then proceeds to fuck off with Aradia to go to the Dreambubbles, surrounded by the voices of the dead, and never has any other significant moment to his name aside ascending away from GOVriska with Feferi and Nepeta on each arm.
Excuse me: what the fuck?
This is more like missed opportunity for me, I would have loved to see Sollux and Dave interact the most since Sollux takes the least amount of shit from anyone. He also had a pretty unusual class/aspect combo that DEFINITELY needed more fleshing out. Mage? Doom? What the fuck?
Everyone has already gone over the problems with her and why the way she was treated in Homestuck is bad. If her Quirk really was that obnoxious just have her be the first troll to drop it with a claim that they're just fucking stupid, then. I'm actually surprised no troll does this throughout Homestuck for good.
Honeybee Professor Says: Problem Sleuth is better than Homestuck!
It's a mathematical fact!