Eridan Ampora

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Re: Eridan Ampora

Post by thorondraco » Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:38 pm

calamityCons wrote:
Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:31 pm
AGREED, Muttman. Super duper strong agree. On literally everything you said, ESPECIALLY about how Nobody Exists Outside the Main Cast. Genocide is really thrown around like crazy just like death means nothing in Homestuck.
That element was a bit overlooked in this route. Then again so were elemnts like Vriska being into doomsday stuff.

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Re: Eridan Ampora

Post by foreverFlummoxed » Thu Jan 16, 2020 7:29 pm

thorondraco wrote:
Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:38 pm
calamityCons wrote:
Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:31 pm
AGREED, Muttman. Super duper strong agree. On literally everything you said, ESPECIALLY about how Nobody Exists Outside the Main Cast. Genocide is really thrown around like crazy just like death means nothing in Homestuck.
That element was a bit overlooked in this route. Then again so were elements like Vriska being into doomsday stuff.

Another thing I feel that's overlooked is that in Eridan's first ever conversation shown in Homestuck, He messages Kanaya to "politely" ask her to make Vriska talk to him even though she wanted nothing to do with him (seeing as him being blocked at this time) and then after refusing, Eridan claims she has no reason to because she is "the town bike/harlot of Auspisticism." I don't really have much more to add then that.

Eridan's quote.PNG
Eridan's quote.PNG (30.09 KiB) Viewed 25425 times
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Re: Eridan Ampora

Post by thorondraco » Thu Jan 16, 2020 7:32 pm

foreverFlummoxed wrote:
Thu Jan 16, 2020 7:29 pm
thorondraco wrote:
Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:38 pm
calamityCons wrote:
Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:31 pm
AGREED, Muttman. Super duper strong agree. On literally everything you said, ESPECIALLY about how Nobody Exists Outside the Main Cast. Genocide is really thrown around like crazy just like death means nothing in Homestuck.
That element was a bit overlooked in this route. Then again so were elements like Vriska being into doomsday stuff.

Another thing I feel that's overlooked is that in Eridan's first ever conversation He messages Kanaya to "politely" ask her to make Vriska talk to him even though she wanted nothing to do with him (seeing as him being blocked at this time) and then after refusing, Eridan claims she has no reason to because she is "the town bike/harlot of Auspisticism." I don't really have much more to add then that.

Eridan's quote.PNG
Wonder when the blocking chronologically happens. Or its even possible Vriska unblocked him after Sgrub fell through cause, its like one of hte only two people had had contact with at the time.

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Re: Eridan Ampora

Post by foreverFlummoxed » Thu Jan 16, 2020 7:48 pm

thorondraco wrote:
Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:38 pm

Wonder when the blocking chronologically happens. Or its even possible Vriska unblocked him after Sgrub fell through cause, its like one of hte only two people had had contact with at the time.
It seems Kanaya installed Sgrub soon after Tavros had entered, and the conversation between Eridan and Kanaya happens immediately after Vriska starts to walk down to check on spidermom which makes it before Equius has entered and in the time it takes Vriska to get back up to her respite block, Aradia has entered the game. So it is uncertain whether Vriska had known about the game yet, but The Bantm did not happen anytime close to when Vriska was ready to play the Game as she was waiting on Equius and Aradia before installing Sgrub.
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Re: Eridan Ampora

Post by JakeMorph » Thu Jan 16, 2020 7:52 pm

Dream Muttman wrote:
Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:24 pm
Eridan puts off genocide by fishing for Feferi's lusus. He considers stopping and chooses not to because:
But nah. It would make her upset.

More emotions. More problems. That's all you need.
In context that's pretty big, mostly because genocide isn't really taken seriously in Homestuck because nobody exists outside of the main cast.

Still it shows that he's not just doing it because he has a shallow crush. He genuinely cares about her feelings.
I don't understand how that shows that at all? feferi being upset would ruin his chances with her, which totally fits in with his intent to court her. he shows no concern for upsetting her by dueling sollux on the meteor, when he thinks that's the only way to win her over.
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Re: Eridan Ampora

Post by eddie_morton » Sat Jan 25, 2020 11:51 pm

imo he's another victim of alternia's caste system; royalty must be distant & above the people yet beloved by the people (perhaps people should be defined as commoners but idk) & i feel eri couldn't reconcile these extremes, which is why he's often a hot & cold douche. he makes me think of asuka from nge desu

and, as i remember, he spent most of his formative years/time secluded in his room reading, what. war manuals? ancient history texts? & attempted to live in the shadow of some distant ancestor he's never (& will never) meet? i sort of related to this bit of his character so i couldn't ever fault him for his social skills (rather lack of) while reading the comic aahaha.

...i love him, also, despite his many faults. i think i spent a lot of time seething over people reducing him to bucket jokes & "wweh-ing" over quandrant troubles but, in hindsight, that's sort of what he makes himself out to be! a very weepy, theatrical sort of bro
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Re: Eridan Ampora

Post by calamityCons » Thu Feb 06, 2020 9:42 am

Another thing I like about Eridan Ampora is his kickass fucking land. It's basically everything typical of Christianity, Angels and Cathedrals all over the dang place, and bright white light that blinds everyone around. And yet it's portrayed as something really scary because Eridan just murdered every Angel that he came across because they scared him.

I think it's really applicable as a metaphor to Eridan for many different angles. He could be a moron who destroys everything pure and good that's around him because he doesn't understand it. Or, it could be a metaphor for how people who mean well and want to help him don't manage to reach him because he has too many faulty misconceptions to listen to other perspectives.
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Re: Eridan Ampora

Post by Tofutush++ » Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:39 pm

Eridan is my patron troll, and (im pretty sure i said this before but cant remember where) he's far from my favorite character but also far from the least.

You know what I like best about him? His scarf. Oh man. I love scarves so much. I mean I don't wear a scarf around all day long like he does, but having a scarf is one of the major reasons why I like Eridan and Roxy. Man the scarves look so awesome.

My fanon theory about him is that he has a huge library and an even huger (is huger a word?) arsenal on his ship/hive. C'mon, he seems like the type to own a bunch of weapons. Maybe he got them in batches on sale.

Imagine this conversation:

Sparky (my OC): No worries, everyone has a skeleton in their cupboard!
[Sparky opens Eridan's cupboard]
Eridan: No no no, don't you DARE open that!!!
[A bunch of rifles fall out]
Sparky: Oh well... I guess not everyone has a bunch of rifles in their cupboard...
[Eridan facepalms]

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Re: Eridan Ampora

Post by Tofutush++ » Tue Dec 20, 2022 10:14 pm

Oh yeah I just thought of something. I think what perfectly summarizes Eridan and Feferi's interaction during Murderstuck is "If you kick the dog and it bites you, it's your own fault and not the dog's." Eridan is a dog whom Feferi kicked.

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Re: Eridan Ampora

Post by Revisiter_999 » Sun Apr 09, 2023 10:54 pm

I thought Eridan destroyed the Matriorb to deter Kanaya from attacking him. He knocks out Sollux (who literally said he should have killed Eridan on LOFAF, a *literal* death threat that Eridan doesn't know is truly serious of just talk) and kills Feferi (who herself glares at Eridan with violent intent *first* and then goes to attack him). Then Eridan looks at Kanaya, who looks like she's about to attack him with her lipstick chainsaw. They have a short standoff with their weapons in hand, then they look at the Matriorb and then Eridan destroy it.

I don't know but I read destroying the Matriorb as Eridan trying to deter Kanaya from attacking him as well. As a non-verbal threat, "I'm willing to kill the girl I love and destroy all hope for our race's survival for my own survival, don't attack me too." Like, if he wanted to destroy the Matriorb out of a fit of rage or whatever, wouldn't he have killed Kanaya first and then destroy the Matriorb? Or he could have destroyed the Matriorb out of spite for Kanaya for turning on him as well. There's no clear reason exactly, but I don't think Eridan was planning on destroying it. Not when he told Kanaya not to hatch the Matriorb just yet.

Then Eridan leaves the room, with Karkat the sole survivor. Sure Karkat thinks Eridan is garbage for trying to betray them to Jack and murdering their friends. But like... Karkat just stood there and watched in shock and didn't go to attack Eridan. Eridan never raises his wand at Karkat, very likely because Karkat didn't try to attack him too. Karkat also rejected his advances in the past, if Eridan wanted revenge for the rejection he'd have attacked Karkat too. But no, he *did* attack Kanaya who did accept to be his auspistice.

I won't argue that Eridan was the most alienated from the group, because he kept hitting on everyone and just being desperate for romance from anyone, even humans he thinks he will probably never meet in real-life. Like, Eridan being the most disliked person in his friend group is his own doing. I do think his alienation from his friend group made it easier for him to think of betraying them for his own survival.

Also like, I don't think Eridan originally intended to destroy the Matriorb. He told Kanaya to hold off of hatching the egg before he can finish his business. His business being asking Feferi to join him in surrendering to Jack. I think Eridan was going to ask all his friends he was the closest with (Feferi, Kanaya, and Karkat) in joining him in surrendering to Jack. Eridan literally stopped Kanaya from leaving the room, and told he to stay put. All the other friends I don't think Eridan really cared if they joined him or not.

Eridan is still an asshole.

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Re: Eridan Ampora

Post by Tofutush++ » Mon May 15, 2023 7:38 pm

this might come off as a little insensitive, but i think hussie successfully created a character so misunderstood that he is even misunderstood by most of the fandom.

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