Sweet Hella Quest [4/8/20: Time's Up.]
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 12:10 am
Note: This adventure can't be read on this thread alone; you must view it on the mirror.
Hey it's Sweet Hella Quest, that one adventure that's been around since 2012 that I never update nearly often enough to become actually known. It's a secondary adventure of mine which serves as somewhat of an outlet for my weirder, more shitposty humor. Despite this, the comic probably isn't as shitposty as people would think, having built up a somewhat coherent story. Think of it as something like Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff meets Problem Sleuth. Or something like that.
The adventure's kinda-sorta nearing a conclusion I think, so I'm gonna at least try to update it more often and hopefully finish it. That said, here's the most recent update:

>bitter campari: realize the push from sweet bro should have flung you out the window (10 pages)
Hey it's Sweet Hella Quest, that one adventure that's been around since 2012 that I never update nearly often enough to become actually known. It's a secondary adventure of mine which serves as somewhat of an outlet for my weirder, more shitposty humor. Despite this, the comic probably isn't as shitposty as people would think, having built up a somewhat coherent story. Think of it as something like Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff meets Problem Sleuth. Or something like that.
The adventure's kinda-sorta nearing a conclusion I think, so I'm gonna at least try to update it more often and hopefully finish it. That said, here's the most recent update:

>bitter campari: realize the push from sweet bro should have flung you out the window (10 pages)