- Pesterquest^2 : Beyond Fanon
(Tavros, Gamzee, and Vriska's route are available. Download at : https://tavr1spr1te.itch.io/pesterquest2)
- Befriendus (A Beforus Befriending Adventure)
(First 2 Volumes has been released. Download at : https://spritersblock.itch.io/befriendus)
- Distantquest : An Ancestral Fansim
(First 4 Volumes has been released. Download at :
So what do you guys think about them? I've tried them, and they're great so far. Please check them out and have some new fun experiences!

Update : Unfortunately, two other fanmade friendsims projects, Dancestorquest and Bubblesim, had been discontinued.
There are also a lot of Alternia-related fanmade friendsims out there. Here's the list given by user javitaxy.
TESTISIM: A continuation to Hiveswap Friendsim. Has 3 volumes out, meaning 6 trolls to befriend! I think it's on hiatus though.
GEARBOXED: Also a continuation to Hiveswap Friendsim. Only 1 volume is out, but it's pretty high quality. The characters are charming, too.
PARADOX LOST: Inspired by the format of Hiveswap Friendsim, it's set on a different planet, features puzzles, and new trolls! Only 1 volume is out right now, but personally I'm pretty excited for the next ones. You can play this one on your browser!
HIVESWAP FANSIM: Another continuation to Hiveswap Friendsim (I think? I haven't played this one yet). Has 2 volumes out, so 4 characters.
THROUGH GREEN DOORS: Continuation to Hiveswap Friendsim, only has the prologue so far. Looks pretty promising, but I don't really know about the creators or if it's even gonna be continued or not.
HIVESWAP FRIENDSIM... 2? I haven't played it yet, but it features 2 trolls! Seems to be a continuation of Friendsim.
FRIENDSIM FANGAME: FAN EDITION: As the name states, it's similar to friendsim. Only has 1 character but I don't know much about it. You can play this one on your browser!
SMETsim: A friendsim where you play as a mutant troll. Linked to the fanventure in MSPFA, SMET.
SNOWBOUND BLOOD: I'm not sure if this counts as a fansim, considering you don't really befriend the characters, but it's really worth putting out there. Also technically not homestuck but Vast Error, but still it's not necessary to read VE first (SBB was what got me into VE desu hahahaha). The story is amazing too. Has 9 volumes out.
MEENKRIBABYSITTINGFIASCO: A fan game where you babysit Meenah's and Kankri's 12 kids. It's not technically a fansim, I guess? But it's still kinda on the same line. Costs 2 dollars tho.
THE FABLED FOUR FINGER DISCOUNT: A short fan game showing your interaction with a peculiar violet blood. It's pretty short but I enjoyed it.