Closer to alchemy fight 10 with how many times i tried to restart it on OmegaUpdate
Welcome to Alchemy Fight, the text based game with too many rules where you alchemize an item and then I crudely make a sprite for it and give it arbitrary stats. For the very high number of you who were never a part of the forum known as "Omega Update", made shortly after the fall of MSPA Forums Senior (F, rip in peace), you most likely have never heard of this game before, so let me explain the 3 main rules.
1. The game is cordoned into match, which are then cordoned into rounds.
One 'round' in the game is, in most basic terms, when all the players have alchemized an item, and used it. This will important for some item effects, probably. One 'match' in the game, on the other hand, is after the players defeat an entire wave of monsters. After a match has ended, the players will have an activity or two to complete before the next match begins.
2. Each alchemy process must include one "Pre-existing item".
This one sounds confusing, but stick in there. You guys will be given a list of items you have on hand. This list increases in volume each and every match, and will never decrease. Your alchemy must use one of these items OR an item you or another player has alchemized this game. If you used a pre-alchemized item, your result with either be even more powerful, or much worse (High risk high reward).
3. You can die.
Each player starts with 200 health, and each enemy starts with a specific amount of health depending on their type and element. Your goal is obviously to kill these enemies, but sadly enough they have a very similar goal, to kill you. If your health drops to 0, something bad will happen. This hasn't happened before, but there's no promise it won't ever. Luckily, you can alchemize armor or even healing items to help alleviate this worry need-be, so don't get too scared.
4. And finally, rules on alchemization
Speed round on rules within rules. No more than 3 items at a time. You only need to use a predetermined item as ONE of your 2-3 items, the other ones can be whatever you wish. Keep it to one alchemization per round. And finally, no living people, but animals are okay to use.
Player 1 wrote:I alchemize Repressed Daddy Issues || Ghostbusters (2018), and I attack the Bec Noir

You created John Homestuck
What a lad...
You attack with his massive teeth, dealing 9999 damage to the Bec Noir
Player 2 wrote:I alchemize Fake Emo Issues && The Letter W, and I attack the Bec Noir
You created Rose Homestuck
What a gal...
You attack with her stonk needles. You do 9999.1 damage to the Bec Noir.
Player 1: 200hp
Player 2: 200hp
Bec Noir:
Let's start!
For match #1, you'll be fighting

Shale Imp - 55hp
Caulk Imp - 60hp
Amber Imp - 70hp
Starting Items:

- Tux
- Playing Card Set (Or any specific cards within)
- Six Sided Die (2)
- Sickle
- Garfield Takes the Cake (1982)