Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:58 am

The game is played on a 13 x 13 grid.
Each player can move one piece on their turn. Who moves first is determined by a coin flip at the beginning of the match.
The goal is to capture all the opponent's bois, or capture their 'King' boi - unlike in Chess, the King is not a unique boi. Rather, each side publicly designates which of their bois will be their King for the match. This boi will maintain their usual capabilities.
There are four types of bois - Circles, Squares, and Triangles. The fourth type is called a wild boi, and is designated by the letter H.
The game operates on a rock-paper-scissors type of system.
Circles beat Squares.
Squares beat Triangles.
Triangles beat Circles.
Wilds kill everything in their path, but are also vulnerable to everything.
So if a Circle and a Square fight, the Circle wins. But how do the bois fight? Well it's tied to their movement.
Circles can move one space in any direction. They can fight anyone who's space they can move into.
Squares can move up to three spaces on their turn. They do not have to move their full movement, and they cannot go the same direction twice in a row (ex. the square cannot move three up, nor can it move two up. It must move one up, then change direction, then change direction again. Ex. right-up-right, left-up-diagonalright, etc.)
Triangles can move three spaces as well, but they hop. So they can only move in a straight line (no diagonals), but ignore any boi in the first two spaces of their movement, only taking into account the state of the space they land in. They do have to use their full movement when they choose to move.
Wild bois are wild. They cannot move unless an enemy is within threat range (if they are in check, to use Chess terminology) but when they are able to move, they move horizontally or diagonally until they hit the edge of the board. They will kill every single boi in their path, of both teams until they reach the end of their movement (the edge of the board).
The final thing you need to know about to play with your bois are RANKS. There are 3 levels for each boi except wilds, denoted by colour.
Green is the weakest.
Blue is the middlest.
Red is the strongest.
Having a higher rank than the opponent boi is the only way a boi can overcome its weakness. For example, if a Green Circle were to fight a Red Square, their strengths respectively would be 2-3 (Circle gets 1 for its advantage over Square and 1 from its rank, while Square gets 3 from its rank.)
Wilds have no rank, as they are indiscriminate killers.
There are also items scattered across the board that each side can pickup. They will be explained when obtained. They are denoted with a yellow ?. Items appear and disappear at random, so grab them while you can!
The teams are differentiated by the numbers on the bois. Each team will have either a 1 or 2 on their bois.
The game starts with each side picking their king, who will from then on have a star on top of his number. After this, the coin is flipped.
To move a boi, simply call him out and tell him where to move to (ex. Green Circle on L-12 to K-11). If there is an enemy boi in that space, the two will the fight, and the loser will die. As players, you can command either team, so make sure you're specific about who you want to move and where, or else your command will be disregarded.
The commands will be used in the order they are submitted, turns permitting. So if there are 3 commands in a row for Team 1 and after that there are 2 in a row for Team 2, then they will be used in order per team
(Team 1's first command,
Team 2's first command,
Team 1's second command,
Team 2's second command,
Team 1's third command etc)
Oh and I forgot to mention but if two bois of equal power try and fight, the outcome is decided by a coin flip.
Each player can move one piece on their turn. Who moves first is determined by a coin flip at the beginning of the match.
The goal is to capture all the opponent's bois, or capture their 'King' boi - unlike in Chess, the King is not a unique boi. Rather, each side publicly designates which of their bois will be their King for the match. This boi will maintain their usual capabilities.
There are four types of bois - Circles, Squares, and Triangles. The fourth type is called a wild boi, and is designated by the letter H.
The game operates on a rock-paper-scissors type of system.
Circles beat Squares.
Squares beat Triangles.
Triangles beat Circles.
Wilds kill everything in their path, but are also vulnerable to everything.
So if a Circle and a Square fight, the Circle wins. But how do the bois fight? Well it's tied to their movement.
Circles can move one space in any direction. They can fight anyone who's space they can move into.
Squares can move up to three spaces on their turn. They do not have to move their full movement, and they cannot go the same direction twice in a row (ex. the square cannot move three up, nor can it move two up. It must move one up, then change direction, then change direction again. Ex. right-up-right, left-up-diagonalright, etc.)
Triangles can move three spaces as well, but they hop. So they can only move in a straight line (no diagonals), but ignore any boi in the first two spaces of their movement, only taking into account the state of the space they land in. They do have to use their full movement when they choose to move.
Wild bois are wild. They cannot move unless an enemy is within threat range (if they are in check, to use Chess terminology) but when they are able to move, they move horizontally or diagonally until they hit the edge of the board. They will kill every single boi in their path, of both teams until they reach the end of their movement (the edge of the board).
The final thing you need to know about to play with your bois are RANKS. There are 3 levels for each boi except wilds, denoted by colour.
Green is the weakest.
Blue is the middlest.
Red is the strongest.
Having a higher rank than the opponent boi is the only way a boi can overcome its weakness. For example, if a Green Circle were to fight a Red Square, their strengths respectively would be 2-3 (Circle gets 1 for its advantage over Square and 1 from its rank, while Square gets 3 from its rank.)
Wilds have no rank, as they are indiscriminate killers.
There are also items scattered across the board that each side can pickup. They will be explained when obtained. They are denoted with a yellow ?. Items appear and disappear at random, so grab them while you can!
The teams are differentiated by the numbers on the bois. Each team will have either a 1 or 2 on their bois.
The game starts with each side picking their king, who will from then on have a star on top of his number. After this, the coin is flipped.
To move a boi, simply call him out and tell him where to move to (ex. Green Circle on L-12 to K-11). If there is an enemy boi in that space, the two will the fight, and the loser will die. As players, you can command either team, so make sure you're specific about who you want to move and where, or else your command will be disregarded.
The commands will be used in the order they are submitted, turns permitting. So if there are 3 commands in a row for Team 1 and after that there are 2 in a row for Team 2, then they will be used in order per team
(Team 1's first command,
Team 2's first command,
Team 1's second command,
Team 2's second command,
Team 1's third command etc)
Oh and I forgot to mention but if two bois of equal power try and fight, the outcome is decided by a coin flip.

If this would make more sense in Forum Games I wouldn't mind putting it there instead.