It's good to see most of our anti-spam stuff works to keep the spam hidden from everyone's screens, most of the time. I do come and check in every week or so and do cleanup but I figure there has to be a more proactive way of handling things, so I made a change.
Now, if you attempt to sign up with an email address that is not part of the whitelist - i.e, it's a junk tenminutemail email - your account will automatically be banned when you log in. I have whitelisted as many common email providers both US and international as I can think of - if you or a friend are trying to register with one that I've missed and hitting the wall, please send me an email at [email protected] asap to have your email provider added to the whitelist.

Cheers and hope you are all enjoying life. BTW me and AdmiralExclipse are married now. Love you all!