Search found 8 matches
- Sun Jan 05, 2020 5:45 pm
- Forum: Other Fandoms
- Topic: What're you listening to? [Music Recs/Chart Sharing]
- Replies: 19
- Views: 48306
Re: What're you listening to? [Music Recs/Chart Sharing]
-snop- +++exmilitary, gecs, collide, ITRN, god's favorite customer, flower boy the intersection between gecs and homestuck surprises me with how large it is. I guess 100 gecs really is the homestuck of music? good list! I love weird unreleased shit! I use...
- Wed Dec 25, 2019 5:55 pm
- Forum: Other Fandoms
- Topic: What're you listening to? [Music Recs/Chart Sharing]
- Replies: 19
- Views: 48306
What're you listening to? [Music Recs/Chart Sharing]
thought I'd start a general music rec topic for people looking to share music tastes, expand their usual listening and discuss what they've been listening to on a day-to-day basis. you can pretty easily make charts to share music you listen to - though I hear does it automatically, I persona...
- Wed Dec 25, 2019 5:31 pm
- Forum: Other Fandoms
- Topic: The Protomen Thread
- Replies: 11
- Views: 18379
Re: The Protomen Thread
so happy I got to see these guys play live this year. they're brilliant! love the Joe arc to bits, but I think I'm in the minority whose favorite song is The Fall
- Wed Dec 25, 2019 5:30 pm
- Forum: Other Fandoms
- Topic: Magic the Gathering
- Replies: 8
- Views: 31645
Re: Magic the Gathering
hell yeah. got into it during ixalan, been playing with friends since. we're HEAVILY invested in commander, though we attend prereleases and some of us even play standard (but fuck eldraine standard). what formats do y'all play?
- Wed Dec 25, 2019 5:27 pm
- Forum: Other Fandoms
- Topic: Oh Worm? (Parahumans Series)
- Replies: 14
- Views: 20564
Re: Oh Worm? (Parahumans Series)
I absolutely ADORE worm. rookie touched on a good part of why the writing is so compelling - I find a lot of "rational" and smart characters are written totally insufferably, and it makes it so much harder to read. the various voices in worm are generally engaging, and when taylor's using her brain ...
- Tue Dec 24, 2019 6:34 pm
- Forum: Forum Adventures
- Topic: Darkshade
- Replies: 217
- Views: 413940
Re: Darkshade
>HM: use newly absorbed worker powers to invoke SERVICETECH LEVEL 1: INVOKE SHIFT MANAGER. then, consume them too
- Tue Dec 24, 2019 6:25 pm
- Forum: Forum Adventures
- Replies: 107
- Views: 242328
>WV: Seek the purple drink. It shall help curry favor with the false-faced one.
- Tue Dec 24, 2019 6:05 pm
- Forum: Fandom Projects
- Topic: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition
- Replies: 165
- Views: 415762
Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition
damn, this is still a thing? hype.
if anyone wants to get all nostalgic about the old pesterchum days lmk. I have plenty of stories to tell, none of them good.
if anyone wants to get all nostalgic about the old pesterchum days lmk. I have plenty of stories to tell, none of them good.