Search found 19 matches
- Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:37 am
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: New Update! Chapter 4: The Contest
- Replies: 48
- Views: 70997
Re: New Update! Chapter 4: The Contest
The only times I've heard people complaining about the writing being patronizing is whenever Dirk is in control and 'writing' sooooo...
- Sun Feb 16, 2020 7:56 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: New Update! Chapter 4: The Contest
- Replies: 48
- Views: 70997
Re: New Update! Chapter 4: The Contest
They also had a guest artist on for this chapter. I think that panel may have been Gina's but I'm not sure which particular ones she did. Here's a link to her Twitter post:
- Sun Feb 16, 2020 1:23 am
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: New Update! Chapter 4: The Contest
- Replies: 48
- Views: 70997
Re: New Update! Chapter 4: The Contest
Eh, it's been clear from the start that Dirk doesn't respect the reader, nore their intelligence. He's describing it specifically because he feels it's important for us the readers to know the specifics, instead of assuming we know already.
- Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:46 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: New Update! Chapter 4: The Contest
- Replies: 48
- Views: 70997
Re: New Update! Chapter 4: The Contest
I'm looking forward to whatever Terezi is going to end up doing with that June captchacard and this ecto alchemy machine.
- Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:24 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: Things you should not put in an Ecto-Alchemologizer
- Replies: 8
- Views: 11492
Re: Things you should not put in an Ecto-Alchemologizer
Let not forget you can use this machine to subtract as well >:D
- Mon Feb 10, 2020 3:00 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: Chapter 3 is out my dudes
- Replies: 41
- Views: 66626
Re: Chapter 3 is out my dudes
My best guess right now is that we will be jumping around a lot until the a/b/c plots start to interact. At least, for the start of HS2 while they're still setting up. I'm also reasonably convinced there is going to be a D plot in the next update that jumps to Arcadia/Davebot/alt!Calliope.
- Fri Jan 31, 2020 7:38 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: We have hit 2000 peeps!!!
- Replies: 28
- Views: 41563
Re: We have hit 2000 peeps!!!
Not sure if you read the Patron 2k blurb at all, but double updates are scheduled to happen starting two months after 2k is hit. Since we hit that in December, the double updates are scheduled (and confirmed by the writers) to begin in February. I just checked and the bonus pages are also down for m...
- Sat Jan 25, 2020 5:33 am
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: Should canon be dencetralized and what is canon?
- Replies: 57
- Views: 90656
Re: Should canon be dencetralized and what is canon?
Once it was spoken about in the Epilogues, I began to see CANON (when referred in story and by any of the authors) as a mechanic of the Homestuck universe. This is very much so the same way the story treated the fourth wall and what it means to break it. CANON means something completely different in...
- Tue Jan 14, 2020 12:59 am
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: Obvious Things You Missed, Beyond Canon edition
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5737
Re: Obvious Things You Missed, Beyond Canon edition
The closest the Ring of Life and the Ring of Void have been to each other is during Caliborn's Masterpiece. John has one ring in his pocket, and Caliborn has the other on his hand.
Also, there are two Rings of Life inside Candy. One with Meenah and the other Calliope.
Also, there are two Rings of Life inside Candy. One with Meenah and the other Calliope.
- Sat Jan 11, 2020 9:22 am
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: Theory of how Retcon powers work, Spoilers
- Replies: 18
- Views: 19178
Re: Theory of how Retcon powers work, Spoilers
This has got my conspiracy gears running. I'm going to focus first on the three aspects of the Retcon powers for this breakdown, super 'time travel', teleportation, and later on Canon. I won't get too deep into the effects on the Three pillars of Canon, just Truth. And then at the end my thoughts on...
- Thu Jan 09, 2020 9:03 am
- Forum: Fan Content Discussion
- Topic: Detective Pony IS good
- Replies: 5
- Views: 17275
Re: Detective Pony IS good
It's definitely on my list of must-reads for any fan. And coming in a couple days NakedBee will start releasing a full movie of it on their channel, one chapter a week. I'm very excited, considering what an excellent job they did with Theatre of Coolty.
- Thu Jan 09, 2020 3:57 am
- Forum: Fan Content Discussion
- Topic: All Night Laundry still exists
- Replies: 6
- Views: 11288
Re: All Night Laundry still exists
(Spoiler free thoughts) I was recommended this story once it has ended, and dived into it over the course of a week or so. It definitely is a great story that I was happy to read, but I feel like it kinda lost a bit of its luster about halfway through. Not exactly enough to dislike the story as a wh...
- Sun Jan 05, 2020 5:26 am
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: Obvious Things You Missed #1
- Replies: 22
- Views: 42793
Re: Obvious Things You Missed #1
The house Juju isn't colored white/grey in the panels, it's actually transparent and shows the background of the site.
- Sun Jan 05, 2020 4:42 am
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: HS^2: Chapter 2 is out
- Replies: 96
- Views: 157791
Re: HS^2: Chapter 2 is out
Since HS2 is happening before the end of the Candy Epilogue I've thought of a couple things for why we are able to peer into it. Possibly alt!Calliope narrated the events of HS2 during her stay inside the black hole, and it's just being shown to us now. But, from the description on the Patreon we ca...
- Mon Dec 30, 2019 4:28 am
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: We have hit 2000 peeps!!!
- Replies: 28
- Views: 41563
Re: We have hit 2000 peeps!!!
Primary issue is that they would have to host the openbounds offsite or make them downloads, cause flash dying and such. Unless they figure out a solution that can let them be on site. Oh god what if they turn to making visual novels O.o Openbound was done in an html5 engine, the first ones of Home...
- Mon Dec 30, 2019 4:14 am
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: We have hit 2000 peeps!!!
- Replies: 28
- Views: 41563
Re: We have hit 2000 peeps!!!
I think it would be awesome to get something like openbound, especially given the narrative shenanigans the could take place with that. I wonder if they would be able to reuse enough of openbound for it to not be too much work (outside of making and writing all the art assets and text). Who know, ma...
- Mon Dec 30, 2019 1:51 am
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: HS^2: Chapter 2 is out
- Replies: 96
- Views: 157791
Re: HS^2: Chapter 2 is out
Regarding the narration talking about what is happening in the panels themselves. I fell like this may be an intentional thing that will be played around with later on. In Homestuck the story itself revolved around the concepts of time; the alpha timeline, doomed timelines, time loops and what have ...
- Mon Dec 09, 2019 1:16 am
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: Edit- False alarm my internet is just weird- The Patron counter is gone from the Homestuck Patreon
- Replies: 9
- Views: 14383
Re: Edit- False alarm my internet is just weird- The Patron counter is gone from the Homestuck Patreon
It seems to be a change on patreons side, as I can still see the numbers and all that but only when logged out.
- Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:29 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: Can I ask for positive opinions on Epilogues/HS^2?
- Replies: 32
- Views: 52743
Re: Can I ask for positive opinions on Epilogues/HS^2?
There were a lot of things I liked about the Epilogues. Homestuck has always had me surprised with everything it does, and rarely does it disappoint me in what directions the story goes. Dirk was amazing to have as an antagonist on the meat side. When he revealed his hand in the narrative I was supp...