Search found 31 matches
- Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:31 am
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: I just wanna see grey people
- Replies: 14
- Views: 23860
Re: I just wanna see grey people
You could, if you're feeling bold, skip to some grey people by playing Hiveswap Friendsim first. It's a canon visual novel all about trolls designed in such a way that you don't really need to read Homestuck to play it. The final chapter will link you to the official Homestuck site, where you will t...
- Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:41 am
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: Carapaces Are People Too
- Replies: 94
- Views: 147068
Re: Carapaces Are People Too
While I don't really disagree with this thread in thinking that carapacians are sentient and can have cool character stuff, I think it's pretty fair for the story to have put them on the backburner. There's really only so much you can do with them while still telling a coherent story about kids play...
- Wed Feb 05, 2020 7:37 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: janey janette, the pesterquest new fighter.
- Replies: 9
- Views: 14103
Re: janey janette, the pesterquest new fighter.
One of my favorite routes so far. A lot of routes kind of shift away from the original character to tell new stories, which is absolutely not a bad thing. A full route that faithfully replicated Act 5 Eridan or Nepeta or Equius would have been, frankly, pretty unbearable. I'd much rather a good stor...
- Mon Dec 23, 2019 11:04 am
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: pesterquest 9.0 nepeta boongaloo
- Replies: 47
- Views: 57651
Re: pesterquest 9.0 nepeta boongaloo
I don't see why "more characters might be trans" is an issue. Especially with trolls, since their gender isn't really based on the merit of reproduction the way it is for humans and other species on earth. They're more akin to bugs, and by that metric, you could make the argument that all trolls are...
- Fri Dec 20, 2019 2:05 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: pesterquest 9.0 nepeta boongaloo
- Replies: 47
- Views: 57651
Re: pesterquest 9.0 nepeta boongaloo
I can't believe Solluxander is real. Also Nepeta is so, so good. She deserves the world. I wonder what happened to her hive. Also that one bad end in her route... jesus fuck. Some moments make you sit back and remember that these are 13 year olds and it's quite distressing. Anyway. Everything Dave s...
- Tue Dec 17, 2019 9:20 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: Does Hussie even run WhatPumpkin anymore?
- Replies: 12
- Views: 21889
Re: Does Hussie even run WhatPumpkin anymore?
Even if he doesn't who cares. No offense to Andrew but given the mess that came out of the Hiveswap kickstarter, he probably shouldn't be the one making business decisions anyway.
- Fri Dec 13, 2019 12:45 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: Confirmation on how long HS^2 will presumably be going.
- Replies: 25
- Views: 40859
Confirmation on how long HS^2 will presumably be going.
On the most recent episode of the Perfectly Generic Podcast (Episode 68 titled "Are you happy?") Kate says this after being asked where they think they'll be in 5 years: I think it's gonna be like, three to five years of... this part that matters to me. You know, this overarching arc. There is a sto...
- Thu Dec 05, 2019 11:02 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: Can I ask for positive opinions on Epilogues/HS^2?
- Replies: 32
- Views: 52743
Re: Can I ask for positive opinions on Epilogues/HS^2?
I've always been a Dirk fan, and my favorite fan-works involving Dirk were the ones that got weird and metatextual. Needless to say, I adore where the epilogues went, and I adore where Homestuck^2 is going. Also, regardless of my Dirk-bias, I just don't think Homestuck could have kept telling a comi...
- Tue Nov 26, 2019 9:07 pm
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: Unpopular Opinions Thread
- Replies: 386
- Views: 644065
Re: Unpopular Opinions Thread
My only slightly unpopular opinion is that trying to find moral fault in any of the characters pre-epilogue that aren't Doc Scratch, Lord English, or any other adult character is stupid. They're kids, folks. Eridan isn't at fault for being a shitty boy. Equius isn't at fault for the things he believ...
- Mon Nov 25, 2019 11:12 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken
- Replies: 118
- Views: 249400
Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken
This isn't to say everyone has to accept it all into their interpretation or reading or whatever, if you want to ignore parts of Homestuck proper I... really don't care. Nobody remembers the entire comic anyway, and if someone wants to, I dunno, have characters that don't say slurs or whatever that...
- Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:18 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken
- Replies: 118
- Views: 249400
Re: I hate the whole "canon discussion" the series has taken
The epilogues are written to be a tragedy. It's supposed to make you feel bad. I'd personally be far more disappointed with an epilogue that just painted everything as fine, since we got that with the credits.
- Mon Nov 25, 2019 4:48 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: Jane choices in the epilogue and Jane in general
- Replies: 63
- Views: 91853
Re: Jane choices in the epilogue and Jane in general
This thread has moved past "trolls outnumbering humans means human culture will dissolve" but I'm bringing it back up anyway just to make a point or two. For starters, Earth C has already had 5000 years to form it's own culture. To say that the individual species would still have unique cultures is ...
- Sun Nov 24, 2019 6:22 pm
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: Man, what is UP with Act 6
- Replies: 18
- Views: 33634
Re: Man, what is UP with Act 6
Meh, I liked Act 6. I agree with the idea that like, pretty much fucking nothing happens between Cascade and Collide in regards to plot changing events. It was basically just waiting for the characters to get to a place where they can beat the already established villains, so if your enjoyment of Ho...
- Fri Nov 22, 2019 5:29 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: I'm afraid for HS^2
- Replies: 165
- Views: 304206
Re: I'm afraid for HS^2
I guess I might just be coming at this from a place of bias, both as an archival reader and as someone who enjoys the epilogues. I still don't think reserving judgment is unreasonable. It's a new project, they've got a lot of time to make this good (or bad!), but it isn't really anything but an intr...
- Fri Nov 22, 2019 1:35 pm
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: I'm afraid for HS^2
- Replies: 165
- Views: 304206
Re: I'm afraid for HS^2
Might be just misunderstanding stuff but, I really don't get this thread. We have a total of 32 pages so far. All this criticism seems to be aimed at a hypothetical place the story might be going, but it hasn't yet. We have no idea what it's gonna be like. The only precedent we have for what the new...
- Fri Nov 22, 2019 12:25 pm
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: dirk appreciation thread
- Replies: 12
- Views: 40030
Re: dirk appreciation thread
Dirk is not a transphobe but having a hard time initially understanding how someone could be non-binary makes a lot of sense for his character as one who tends to put concepts in absolutes. Especially if we're to assume his ultimate self contains Caliborn in some way, Cherubs seem especially intent ...
- Wed Nov 20, 2019 10:08 am
- Forum: Beyond Canon
- Topic: Betting on when the new update will be
- Replies: 16
- Views: 22707
Re: Betting on when the new update will be
I'd bet money on 11/25. There aren't any meme dates between then and now so might as well wait the full month for consistency.
That also means we might get the following update on christmas, which is fun.
That also means we might get the following update on christmas, which is fun.
- Tue Nov 19, 2019 11:27 pm
- Forum: Hiveswap
- Topic: Favorite Friendsim Routes? [Spoilers... duh]
- Replies: 10
- Views: 15411
Re: Favorite Friendsim Routes? [Spoilers... duh]
Chixie and Tyzias are definitely both really good. A real banger volume, that one. Lots of subtle Alternia lore packed onto two already great characters. I'm quite fond of Chixie's theme too, and her sprites are all really good looking, especially the ones with the mask. I'm also a fan of Tegiri but...
- Tue Nov 19, 2019 11:00 pm
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: Terezi Pyrope Appreciation Thread
- Replies: 13
- Views: 19973
Re: Terezi Pyrope Appreciation Thread
I love Terezi. An objectively weird and gross girl that every basically character has a crush on. A true icon.
- Tue Nov 19, 2019 8:47 pm
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: Forgotten/Underappreciated Characters
- Replies: 30
- Views: 41354
Re: Forgotten/Underappreciated Characters
Sollux. He fucks off from the plot on purpose but god I miss my boy. I feel like he has so much untapped chemistry with a lot of different characters.