Search found 2 matches
- Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:23 pm
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: Forgotten/Underappreciated Characters
- Replies: 30
- Views: 41390
Re: Forgotten/Underappreciated Characters
(unintentionally) following suit with what a couple other people here are saying: definitely tavros. because not only does he not really get any sort of character arc that doesn't involve vriska in some way, NOTHINg GOOD REALLY EVER HAPPENS TO HIM. like aside from whatever weird crap vriska was mani...
- Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:17 pm
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: Favorite HS quotes?
- Replies: 20
- Views: 25847
Re: Favorite HS quotes?
oh MAN there's so many. this one definitely takes the cake though:
DAVE: i mean on the other hand if we adopt a kid young enough it could definitely fit in the microwave
DAVE: i mean on the other hand if we adopt a kid young enough it could definitely fit in the microwave