Search found 2 matches

by temporalWitch
Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:18 pm
Forum: Homestuck
Topic: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
Replies: 91
Views: 148437

Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?

My brothers ex girlfriend
We were talking about songs that we liked, and she put "Everything at once" (specifically a pmv about fandoms), she then started talking about how she used to be obsessed with one of the things presented in the video, this thing being Homestuck lol
by temporalWitch
Mon Apr 22, 2024 3:20 pm
Forum: Homestuck
Topic: If You Had A Troll Quirk, What Would It Be?
Replies: 110
Views: 202437

Re: If You Had A Troll Quirk, What Would It Be?

7)(15, JV57 R3974C1NG 73773R5 W/ NVM83R5 N 57VFF, 8V7 4750 4773RN471NG 837W33N T)(3Z3 (V51NG 7)(3 54ME 57M807 F0R 07)(3R 73773R5, 4ND 50M371M3Z V51NG 4 73773R 1N5734D 0F 4 NVM83R), 0)( 4ND 4750 1N V993RC4Z3, 47W475 :33, + 7)(3 V53 0F 3M0735 0_o