Search found 3 matches
- Thu Feb 04, 2021 4:46 pm
- Forum: Creative Works (Artbound)
- Replies: 85
- Views: 214489
my silly 8ITCH named befana natale :cal: she's a gold-caste troll who's obsessed with TIMETABLING AND ORGANIZATION. she never misses turning a PAGE on her calendar. she especially loves the fact that TROLL CHRISTMAS comes around the same TIME every year, which lets her flaunt her amazing fucking FAN...
- Mon Feb 01, 2021 10:27 am
- Forum: Fandom Projects
- Topic: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition
- Replies: 165
- Views: 415854
Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition
Hi, how do I add a profile via appdata? pesterchum won't open bc there isnt a profile in the profiles folder, and i dont have the .js file for me, pesterchum just gave me a prompt to create a profile when i first opened it. i wouldn't personally know what to do but for some reason pesterchum did so...
- Sun Jan 10, 2021 10:55 am
- Forum: Fandom Projects
- Topic: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition
- Replies: 165
- Views: 415854
Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition
hi, i'm pretty new on this forum, i used to be on the OG MSPA forums looking at the themes thread. i managed to get pesterchum working perfectly fine - my OOC handle is sheepyPeepy (and my IC fantroll handle is anaglyphicAdvent). i was wondering, though, does anyone here have an archive of a bunch o...