Search found 3 matches

by sheepypeepy
Thu Feb 04, 2021 4:46 pm
Forum: Creative Works (Artbound)
Replies: 85
Views: 214489


my silly 8ITCH named befana natale :cal: she's a gold-caste troll who's obsessed with TIMETABLING AND ORGANIZATION. she never misses turning a PAGE on her calendar. she especially loves the fact that TROLL CHRISTMAS comes around the same TIME every year, which lets her flaunt her amazing fucking FAN...
by sheepypeepy
Mon Feb 01, 2021 10:27 am
Forum: Fandom Projects
Topic: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition
Replies: 165
Views: 415854

Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

Hi, how do I add a profile via appdata? pesterchum won't open bc there isnt a profile in the profiles folder, and i dont have the .js file for me, pesterchum just gave me a prompt to create a profile when i first opened it. i wouldn't personally know what to do but for some reason pesterchum did so...
by sheepypeepy
Sun Jan 10, 2021 10:55 am
Forum: Fandom Projects
Topic: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition
Replies: 165
Views: 415854

Re: PESTERCHUM 3.41: The ride never stops edition

hi, i'm pretty new on this forum, i used to be on the OG MSPA forums looking at the themes thread. i managed to get pesterchum working perfectly fine - my OOC handle is sheepyPeepy (and my IC fantroll handle is anaglyphicAdvent). i was wondering, though, does anyone here have an archive of a bunch o...